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Saving Energy – Solutions That Will Not Change Your Lifestyle

The rise and drop in temperatures in the coming years, places intense pressure on consumers around the world and this means only one thing, more energy and fuel are needed to control the environment and make homes more comfortable.

Over the years, new technology has been invented to improve the manner of living. However new technology, as always, is a bit expensive at first. The prices will go down after some time. Instead of waiting for a more affordable energy saving device, let us apply our common sense today and put some effort in saving energy and money.American Power & Gas has provided you with some tips that you can use around your home to reduce your energy usage. Many of these tips will not change your lifestyle but will reduce your electric bill.

Avoid “phantom” energy users. Electrical appliances that are plugged in to sockets even when not in use consume energy. It is like a turning on the engine of your car and idling for a very long time. A single appliance that remains plugged in may not give a significant increase in your electric bill but letting every appliance on “standby” can be a real money spender. Make sure to pull the plugs of every appliance from their sockets whenever you don’t use them. Many home appliances do not have to be turned on all the time. These appliances and electronics should be shut down and unplugged because they still draw power when turned off.

Unplugging unused electronic devices is not limited to the appliances in the kitchen; unplug your television, VCRs, stereos, microwave oven, electric stove and other appliances when not in use. Do not leave appliances turned on while not in use. Avoid leaving unused appliances on “standby” mode. The water heater is a place where a lot of folks can save money on electricity. Water heaters hold about 40 gallons of water and maintain it at a constant temperature. Forty gallons of water that is sitting in your tank for long periods of time consume a lot of energy. If the water heater is not expected to be used for a while, it is advisable to maintain it at a lower temperature.

The kitchen is often has the highest concentration of appliances, unplug those that are not in use to save energy. If they are not necessary, let the stove and oven rest. Instead, use the microwave. If you must use the stove, keep in mind the size of the pan needed for what you are cooking. The closer the bottom of the pan is to the hob ring of the stove, the more energy is saved. If you use too much flame for the pan then you are paying for heating the air around it.

The openings and leaks in doors and windows create drafts. The stronger the draft is, the longer it will take for homes to be heated or cooled - in addition to the extra work that a heater or an air-conditioning system is doing to regulate the right temperature of the house. In newer homes, the problems may be lessened as today’s’ builders are more conscious of sealing drafts areas. Older homes may not be as well sealed. Even if the outer walls are insulated, air leaks often occur around wall outlets, switches and vents that could result in water condensation around these areas. Consider sealing these areas; good foam patch could fix the problem.

For most homes in the developed countries, lighting alone accounts for 9% of the total energy requirement. For other parts of the world, it is far more than that. Thus, using cost-efficient lights can be a real life-saver, or should we say, energy-saver.

Compact fluorescent light bulbs are made to be very efficient; it uses 66% less energy than the conventional light bulbs. Just by changing from the incandescent to the CFLs could already reduce electrical consumption to 7%.

An easy was to save energy is to clean appliances regularly. Dirt and dust interferes with the efficiency of appliances. Likewise, place a good distance; allow about four inches of distance between the wall and appliances that generate heat for your walls not to retain the heat.

When it comes times to replace your appliances and electronics always look for the energy coefficient and the energy saving features of the appliance you are buying. Buy energy efficient appliances. Some ENERGY STAR appliances can save as much as 90% of the standard energy consumption.. By using these simple tips, by American Power & Gas, you can reduce your electric bill and your carbon footprint. Saving energy, in almost all conceivable phases of life, is in focus today. The fuel that is currently in use, as we are all aware, is nonrenewable. If you desire more savings, visit American Power & Gas for more energy and money saving tips.

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